One year on and a major boost for single Sappers at Kinloss Barracks

Kinloss Barrack – £800k accommodation improvements.

Doubts soldiers and their families might have had about moving to Moray were quickly dispelled by the welcome they received from the local community and the quality of the environment into which they were moving.

Now the single troops at the Moray base have reason to be happier still, as work on upgrading their living quarters has now been completed at a cost of around £800,000.

Laundry facilities, new showers, toilets and refurbished single-man rooms are now being enjoyed by men and women of 39 Engineer Regiment following the works carried out by the Defence Infrastructure Organisaton, who have also improved safety features on the four accommodation blocks on the former RAF base.

New furniture, carpets and general decoration for 46 rooms has also made the quality of living room much more comfortable for troops such as Sapper Alex Martin, 22 and originally from Plymouth, who is delighted at no longer having to share accommodation as he did at his former Cambridgeshire barracks.

Alex said: “At Waterbeach I shared a room with three other guys, so it is great to now have my own room – I have more floor space, storage and of course my privacy.”

The work, which was supported by Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Chris McGarrell MBE from HQ51(Scottish) Brigade, includes special ground-floor accommodation fitted out for any serviceman suffering from a disability.

Lt Col McGarrell said: “I have to thank the Direct Infrastructure Organisation for deliver an excellent service at Kinloss Barracks.  Priority for the move of 39 Engineer Regiment into Kinloss was to improve the accommodation as quickly as possible.”

The Regiment have not been in Moray for a year after taking over the former Nimrod base when defence cuts forced its closure.

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