New hope is emerging for the future of Buckie Shipyard this morning as it has been revealed five companies are showing an interest in the site.
Scottish Enterprise Minister, Fergus Ewing, revealed interest in the site after meetings with the Shipyard’s administrators, Moray Council and Highlands and Islands Enterprise earlier this week – now a new clue on the extent of that interest has been revealed by the chairman of Moray Council’s economic development committee.
Heldon & Laich councillor, John Cowe, is painting a positive outlook for the shipyard and Buckie in general, saying that he was confident some good news would come from the closure which led to 68 workers being made redundant and six more under threat.
Councillor Cowe said: “The administrators have a very difficult role ahead of them and their job is to look after the interests of the creditors. But also looking at the wider picture, I hope they can look after the wider interests of Buckie and Moray.”
A future for the shipyard may be in the renewable energy industry with plans already in place to build hundreds of wind turbines on the Moray Firth, with Buckie being considered as an ideal shore base for operations.