Moray secondary pupils lay it on the line for Councillors

A unique scheme that has involved pupils from all eight secondary schools in the region is to inform Moray Councillor’s on services that affect young people.

This week’s meeting of the children and young people’s services committee will include a presentation by pupils who have taken part in an audit that focussed on what opportunities are available for young people in relation to after-school clubs and activities.

Moray Council’s Education and Social Care Department are behind the move, part of a drive to actively involve those who use services the local authority provides to the public.

Staff from the department’s Continuous Improvement Team recruited, trained and supported the S4-S6 pupils after deciding to use the initiative as a focus for young people. It followed a survey of parents that produced a number of questions on the availability of school clubs and activities.

The pupils subsequently identified that a wide range of activities do in fact exist across Moray – but that there is a need for increased and better communication channels to be developed between schools and parents to maximise the opportunities which exist.

The audit also concluded that there is a need for a higher profile in secondary schools from the council’s Active Schools Co-ordinators.

Chair of the children and young people’s services committee, Councillor Anne Skene, said that the survey will play an important role in making the kind of improvements that will make a difference to Moray’s young people.

She said: “Their feedback from their involvement with this project has also confirmed that they have found the experience very rewarding and that it has increased their confidence and communication skills.”

The pupils will present their findings to Councillors on Wednesday.

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