Re-launched Keith hub provides one-stop community shop

Sandy Riddell

Feedback from the public has been used to breathe new life into a Moray community hub that allows it to make a ‘real difference’ to the people it serves.

Following a year-long ‘rebranding exercise’ the Keith Community Hub has been formally launched. Now boasting a multi-sensory room with conference and ‘hot desk’ facilities, the hub is being hailed as the perfect one-stop-shop for the local community.

With the local Access Point now brought into the same building as Citizens Advice staff and community care, children and families social work employees, the hub was described as fully embracing the community care model by its service co-ordinator, Menita Roberts-Day.

She said: “It can also offer a new outside seating area space, a meeting place for people with their own self directed support, and a programme of activities for adults with learning difficulties.”

Deputy of Moray Council’s health and social care committee, Councillor Lorna Cresswell, said: “I think the staff will bring in different players to take part in the various activities within the building as well as staff who are already working with clients and families.”

Director of education and social care at the local authority, Sandy Riddell, said the hub was a “wonderful development” where a lot of important services had come together. He added: “It’s really been developed on the back of feedback from the public about what would ease their access to all the services that make a difference to their lives.”

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