Lossiemouth street campaigners seek help from local MSP

A local action group seeking a change to plans that would see two quite cul-de-sacs turned into busy access roads to a housing estate have turned to the Scottish Government for advice.

Stop the Boyd Anderson Drive Access Group (Stop the B.A.D. access) submitted a petition to the Lossiemouth Community Council last month requesting that it be passed on to Moray Council.

The group had noted that a change to Moray’s Local Development Plan included using two cul-de-sacs in the town – Fisher Place and Halliman Way – as link roads from Boyd Anderson Drive into a planned 250-home housing estate.

Local councillors informed group representatives that the reason for the change was a direct result of guidance from the Scottish Government’s ‘Designing Streets’ policy statement, which aims to switch the emphasis of planners away from dominance of motor vehicles.

This week group members met with Moray’s MSP, Richard Lochhead, asking if he agreed on how the local authority appeared to be interpreting the policy statement.

Stop the B.A.D. access campaigner John Hamilton said: “I have read the document carefully and feel that what The Moray Council are seeking to do is the exact opposite of what Designing Streets aimed to do.”

Another member, Gillian Priestley, added: “The group are not opposed to housing or pedestrian/cycle access, only vehicular access from the Boyd Anderson Drive side of the proposed site, which is already a busy area.”

Following the meeting Mr Lochhead agreed to seek clarification over the interpretation of the Scottish Government policy statement.

He said: “The issues raised by the group are about access arrangements required for any new housing development as set out in the Local Plan consultation.

“In particular they believe that the current idea is unworkable and alternative arrangements need to be looked at.

“Concerns seem to centre around the Council’s interpretation of the ‘Designing Streets’ planning document and I will be seeking clarification on this from both the Scottish Government and from The Moray Council.”

Meanwhile the group hope that a public meeting will be held with the Lossiemouth Community Council soon, to which the authority’s heads of planning and transport would be present and which has been suggested by Lossiemouth-based Councillor John Cowe.

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