Leading Moray charity reaches out for excellence

A Moray charity has welcomed news that it had passed the most highly detailed evaluation of its services yet.

The Third Sector Interface for Moray – tsiMoray – has successfully undergone a detailed evaluation that has resulted in the charity being awarded ‘EFQM – Committed to Excellence’ certification.

The dynamic local charity supports and promotes volunteering, volunteer organisations, community groups and social enterprises has now successfully completed two quality improvement projects and is currently working through a third.

The completed projects focused on the expansion and development of its directors as well as restructuring the organisation and redefining staff roles to better meet the needs of tsiMORAY’s members, partners and the wider community.

Fabio Villani, who is chief officer at tsiMoray, said “An organisation is only as good as its people, and the success of the EFQM evaluation is down to our staff and directors who have worked extremely hard over the last year to develop the organisation for the benefit of all stakeholders.

“I was particularly pleased by the assessors’ comments on the restructuring project. Informal feedback from staff, customers and partners has shown that this project has been very successful and has improved the organisations performance.

“This project has transformed tsiMORAY. Staff comments described a ‘new buzz about the place, a motivated workforce and a sense of vibrancy and re-engagement amongst staff.’

“My job now is to keep the place ‘buzzing’, to the continuing benefit of members, partners and the communities of Moray. Key to this is the recruitment of an Operations Manager, a new post currently being advertised, who will play a key role in building on our achievements and in continuing to develop tsiMoray as a vibrant, resilient, enterprising and sustainable organisation.”

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