Moray has continued to bask in glorious sunshine this week with temperatures hitting the mid-20’s – and there is more of the same in store.
However, the heat wave has not been to everyone’s liking as it has brought with it foggy conditions at sea that left many oil workers stranded and forced to stay on rigs while their families basked in the sunshine.
Beaches along the Moray Firth have been kept busy with temperatures in Lossiemouth hitting 23c on Thursday – and while a Met Office spokesman has said that more cloud and mist or fog may begin to appear over the weekend anyone with plans for day trips on Saturday should find high temperatures remaining.
Helicopter flights to offshore installations have had to be cancelled as the aircraft stood unused in the sunshine because rigs were bathed in thick fog – leaving workers due to return to shore stranded for up to three days before a break in the conditions arrived on Thursday.
Organisers of the Hopeman Gala Week have, however, been left delighted as a packed week of activities have been conduction of blazing sunshine.
“We could not have enjoyed better conditions,” a spokeswoman said, adding: “It has already been such a wonderful week and if the forecasters are correct it will remain that way until at least Saturday.
“Every event has been so well attended – we can’t remember the last time we were blessed with such fine weather throughout the week, it has been a simply fantastic week.”