Fiona set to take her early life in Moray on national tour

The early life and times of a Moray-born actress and playwright is to feature in a national tour that kicks off in Inverness next month.

Former Forres Academy pupil Fiona Geddes graduated with a BA in Acting at the East 15 Acting School in the University of Essex. She went on to extensive film, television and stage appearances including the BBC Drama “Five Daughters” in 2010.

Now Fiona is set to take her own production on tour, “Normal/Madness”, a play based on her own first hand experiences growing up in Moray.

“Most of the play is set in the Forres area and both characters in it are from Moray,” Fiona said, adding: “The main character, Kirsty, moves away to London after school and the story is told from her perspective.

“Primarily the play deals with events that happened in Forres, Elgin and Hopeman when she was a child.”

Fiona moved from Forres to study and ultimately live in London in 2001 where she later earned a scholarship for ‘The Stage’, moving on to graduate from East 15.

She said: “I’ve been a jobbing actress ever since. This project could be a creative lifesaver for me in many ways – I graduated seven years ago and you get to a point where you have to reassess what direction you want to go in.”

Normal/Madness was first performed to critical acclaim at the Edinburgh Festival last year.

The touring production will kick off at the Eden Court Theatre in Inverness on Tuesday, May 5 before moving on to the Lemon Tree in Aberdeen on Thursday, May 7.

Fiona Geddes Showreel

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