Election 2015: Robertson triumphant as Ross reflects on national success

Angus Robertson - returned with largest ever vote
Angus Robertson – returned with largest ever vote

Moray’s general election winner has been looking to the future having been sent back to Westminster with a resounding public vote of confidence – and backed by 50 new colleagues.

Angus Robertson was elected on Thursday for a fourth term of office – but never had he enjoyed such comprehensive support, mirrored by the SNP’s stunning success throughout Scotland that saw 50 new MP’s elected, making the party the third force in UK politics.

Speaking immediately after his record-breaking victory Mr Robertson said: “First and foremost I thank the people of Moray for backing me to continue as their Member of Parliament for a fourth term.

“People have voted for the SNP in Moray in record numbers with a record percentage of the vote and I am honoured to be able to serve the people of Moray and represent this fantastic constituency once again.

“The efforts of hundreds of SNP activists across Moray in taking our message out to communities has been unprecedented and I also thank all of the election workers, without whom the election couldn’t happen.

“Across Moray and Scotland the people have delivered a huge message to Westminster. Scotland will not be taken for granted and we expect and demand respect from the UK Government on the issues that matter to our country.

“I am being joined at Westminster by an incredible group of 56 SNP MPs from a diverse range of backgrounds and with huge amount of talent. We will use that talent to be Stronger for Scotland and make Moray’s and all of Scotland’s communities voices heard loudly and clearly.”

Ross reflects on best Tory return in 20 years

For Tory runner-up Douglas Ross the disappointment of finishing second was tempered by the Scottish Conservative’s share of the vote in Moray increasing by 5%.

He said: “This was a great election for the SNP and I congratulate Angus Robertson on his victory.

“The SNP saw huge swings of votes shifting to them in this election which is why I was delighted here in Moray to secure the largest increase in the Conservative vote in the whole of Scotland.

“I feel we led a strong, positive campaign on local issues here and that has been rewarded by the electorate increasing the Scottish Conservative vote share here in Moray by 5%.”

Mr Ross was also delighted that nationally his party had produced a stunning and wholly unexpected victory with Prime Minister David Cameron now presiding over an overall majority.

The Fochabers/Lhanbryde councillor said: “I look forward to the UK government continuing the work to rebuild the economy.

“Many people in Moray and across the UK could see the improvement since the last election when the coalition took office and now want the Conservative’s to finish the job.

“On reflection in Moray I think the local conservatives and our supporters can be satisfied that we delivered the best Conservative result here in more than 20 years and that the swing to the SNP in Moray was the lowest in Scotland.

“That is a strong foundation for us to build on as the only challengers to the SNP in Moray.”