‘Reserves Day’ remembers Moray’s part-time soldiers, sailors and airmen

2622 (Highland) Squadron – part-time airmen deployed around the world

WHILE ARMED FORCES day was marked throughout Scotland this weekend a special thought was going to out to the thousands who balance the military with civilian careers.

Moray celebrated armed forces day last weekend while most of the UK were doing so this weekend – and in between, almost unnoticed, was ‘Reserves Day’, held on Wednesday and marking the contribution made by civilians wearing the uniform of all three services.

Reservists from all three services have been supporting military operations worldwide including in Afghanistan, Northern Iraq, Cyprus, Bosnia and Herzegovina and as part of the UK’s effort to counter Ebola in Sierra Leone.

However, the contribution they make to our Armed Forces often goes unrecognised. As such an annual Reserves Day was created to highlight and recognise the valuable contribution Reservists make to our Armed Forces.

In Moray there are reserve units for all three services, and their work has been acknowledged by local MP Angus Robertson, who said: “Last week Armed Forces Day was marked and this week marks the specific role played by our committed reserve forces.

“In Moray alone we have reserves based in Keith, Elgin and Lossiemouth as well as training facilities at Kinloss Barracks.

“Our local army and air force reserves have supported regular troops in really challenging situations across the world and are critical to the overall effectiveness of our armed forces.”

One of the largest military reserve units based in Moray is 2622 (Highland) Squadron of the RAF Regiment, drawing its members from throughout Scotland. Members of the Squadron have served on deployments throughout the world in recent years for a unit that was first formed in 1979 to assist ground defence at RAF Lossiemouth.

Initially, it recruited in the local area only – but now members travel from their civilian jobs from Edinburgh and Glasgow in the south to communities throughout the Moray and the Highlands.

Mr Robertson said: “The commitment of the individuals, the support of their employers and the support of the wider armed forces for our reservists is fantastic and I welcome the opportunity of Reserves Day 2015 to recognise and commend those efforts.”

Anyone interested in learning more serving with 2622 (Highland) Squadron can do so online.