New Labour brief to get out and meet the people

David Stewart MSP – new brief in Labour opposition

A LABOUR MSP representing Moray and the Highlands is expressing his delight after being named as part of the new Environmental Justice Team being led by Sarah Boyack MSP.

David Stewart MSP – a regular political contributor to insideMoray – was named in new Labour leader Kezia Dugdale’s opposition team at the Scottish Parliament – with each member given explicit instructions to get themselves around the country and set out the “positive Labour vision”.

Ms Dugdale has ordered that the opposition team no longer simply shadow SNP Government ministers – but instead focus much more on communicating Labour’s values to the public.

Mr Stewart said: “I am delighted to have been appointed as part of the Environmental Justice brief in Kezia Dugdale’s new team.

“The Environmental Justice team brief is wide ranging and will allow me to continue working on issues such as transport, rural affairs and land reform, all of which are fundamental for mainland and island life across Moray and the Highlands and Islands region.

“I have a long term interest in transport issues and enjoyed serving as the Shadow Minister for Transport and Islands over the past nine months.

“This new role will allow me to continue my work on developing transport policy in the Scottish Labour Party including work on the Graduated Drivers Licence Scheme, keeping Cal Mac in public hands, developing our harbours, route development funding for Highlands and Islands Airports as well as promoting more transport integration between road, rail and sea.

“I am also very interested in continuing my dialogue with local authorities, specifically around the ‘Our Islands, Our Future’ consultation and will continue to work with both island and mainland authorities to develop policy that will deliver a strong voice for these communities.”