Assault on taxi driver lands Elgin man with six-month sentence

AN ASSAULT ON a taxi driver led to an Elgin man beginning a six-month jail sentence this week.

Conor McGregor was appearing at Elgin Sheriff Court for sentencing after having previously admitted the assault on taxi driver Craig Macdonald when he had been dropped back at a taxi rank by another driver.

McGregor, 23, had originally been picked up by taxi driver Laura Blakesley – but she had become uncomfortable with what the court was told had been “aggressive behaviour” and so took him back to the rank where she requested the help of Mr Macdonald.

The court was told by Fiscal depute Ruaraidh McAlister that Mr Macdonald became aware of Ms Bleaksley shouting for assistance so got out of his taxi – at which point the accused “punched him to the side of the head” before leaving the scene.

At the time of the incident McGregor was on bail after previous violent behaviour saw him appearing at Inverness Sheriff Court, where earlier this week he was jailed for five months in relation to that offence.

After hearing that McGregor was striving to address his anger management, Sheriff John Halley said that there was an interest in making sure that taxi drivers are protected.

He sentenced McGregor to six months in prison.