SCOTTISH LABOUR LEADER Kezia Dugdale has cited her time attending primary school in Moray as the inspiration behind her passion to improve the nation’s education system.
Miss Dugdale has credited her former Bishopmill Primary school teacher as the inspiration that gave her the best possible start in life.
The Labour leader spent her formative years in Moray where father Jeff was deputy head at Elgin High School. In a Sunday newspaper article this week she named former primary teacher Louise McLean – who retired after 37-years in 2014 – as having made a “huge impression” on her.
She said: “She inspired children to fulfil their hopes and dreams, starting every class with a song – I thought the world of her and she gave me the best possible start in life.”
Louise admitted that she was “proud and delighted” at how much Miss Dugdale had achieved in politics, adding: “She had such a positive attitude to school life and was very focused and keen to learn.
“Even at five years old she showed great leadership qualities and good social skills – she was always enthusiastic to participate in any activity no matter how messy it was. Even at that age you could see her leadership skills.”
The former teacher had lost touch with Miss Dugdale although she was kept up to date with her progress when she bumped into Jeff Dugdale when out shopping. Then she emailed Miss Dugdale after seeing her perform in a debate on television.
Shortly after she received a message congratulating her on her retirement – and asking her to think how many children she had inspired to go on and fulfil their hopes and dreams.