A HOUSING ASSOCIATION has taken the first steps in creating 18 new two-bedroom flats on a Moray site that suffered from catastrophic flood damage.
Hanover Scotland is looking to build the new flats on the site of their sheltered housing complex on Haugh Road in Elgin.
The 18 flats and three cottages are to be created in the place of the complex that was destroyed in floods when the River Lossie burst its banks in 1997 and again five years later. What is left of the complex will be demolished and replaced with flats that would be suitable for retired people.
A spokesman for Hanover Scotland said: “This project is still at the feasibility stage and it is therefore too early to be able to provide details of the proposals – but we are looking forward to developing proposals for the site.”
The plans are a result of a £40million funding package Hanover secured through the Bank of Scotland to boost housing numbers over the next five years.
The Haugh Road sheltered housing complex was home for 20 pensioners but they were forced to find alternative accommodation for several months after the 1997 flooding – only for flooding to return in 2002, forcing 40 residents from their homes permanently.