Traditional Christmas concert to aid Syria refugees

Refugees in Germany will benefit from concert in Aberlour this weekend
Refugees in Germany will benefit from concert in Aberlour this weekend

AN ANNUAL TRADITIONAL Christmas concert will be performed this weekend with all proceeds going to help Syrians escaping from their war-torn country.

The Lantern Singers will perform traditional and modern carols – alongside traditional bible readings and a reading from ‘The Grinch Who Stole Christmas’.

Refugees currently living in the German town of Halberstadt will be the beneficiaries of the event being held at 6pm on Sunday at St Margaret’s Church in Aberlour.

Angus Findlay, St Margaret’s Church warden, explained: “Two summers ago we discovered two young German pastors camping in the Churchyard of St Margaret’s Church.

“They turned out to be expert musicians and played us some wonderful duets on organ and bagpipes. This year, one of them, Christian Lontzek, and his wife came back to us and we learnt about the work he is doing with 2500 refugees (mainly from Syria) in his home town of Halberstadt.

“Proportionally this would be the same as Elgin looking after about 7,000 refugees. We have decided that all St Margaret’s Christmas donations and collections should go towards the wonderful work that the Halberstadt Church is doing with refugees.”

Lisa Kerr, The Lantern Singers’ conductor, added: “Our Christmas Concert in aid of refugees in Germany promises to be the perfect way to start the Christmas festivities.

“This year we will have 16 children perform some of the carols alongside us and they are all very excited about the prospect – if a little nervous.

“We are honoured to be singing in aid of such a good cause. We are fortunate to be spending Christmas in our own homes and our thoughts go out to those who are homeless and in search of stability.”

Tickets for the concert can be purchased by calling Angus Findlay on 01343 881208 or e-mail at

Tickets cost £10.00 per person and under 16s go free. Mulled wine and mince pies are included.