Grass roots movement in Moray to welcome Robin McAlpine

Robin McAlpine to talk to Moray Common Weal in February
Robin McAlpine to talk to Moray Common Weal in February

THE MORAY BRANCH of a grass roots movement which campaigns for social and economic equality in Scotland is to welcome one of its founders as a guest speaker.

Common Weal has a primary goal of improving the quality of life for all in Scotland, achieved through cooperative working linked to a vision of what a better Scotland could be.

A prominent national figure in the movement is Robin McAlpine, a former journalist who was press officer to George Robertson when he was leader of the Scottish Labour Party. He was also editor of the Scottish Left Review.

Mr McAlpine will speak at the Moray Common Weal meeting on February 16 when his talk is expected to focus on Scotland after the referendum and the creation of an ‘all of us first’ culture.

Stephen Donaghy, Moray Common Weal’s organiser, said: “Robin is one of the leading lights nationally in the Common Weal movement. His vision and passion for helping create a new Scotland which puts all of us first has been instrumental in shaping political direction across Scotland.

“We are delighted he has found the time to speak to us here in Moray, it should be a really interesting and fun night.”

The meeting will be held at 7pm on February 16 upstairs in the Drouthy Cobbler in Elgin. The event is free and open to anyone wishing to attend.

Mr Donaghy said: “The Common Weal is a non-political movement, established to create and campaign for policies which look to build a more inclusive and fairer society.

“This can be achieved by engaging with political parties and mechanisms to promote well thought out and considered policies, which look to grow a more diverse and prosperous economy.”