Ground breaking work begins on £1m RAF community support hub

Work has started on new £1m hub at RAF Lossiemouth
Work has started on new £1m hub at RAF Lossiemouth

A ONE MILLION pound project to create additional community facilities at RAF Lossiemouth got under way this week with the first turf being cut.

The base station commander, Group Captain Paul Godfrey, had the honour of launching the development that will see a Community Support Complex being created.

That will enable service personnel on the Moray base and their families to access a ‘one stop shop’ containing family-friendly recreational space that includes office accommodation for community support staff and a permanent HIVE operating base.

Satellite office space for drop-in surgeries by visiting professionals will be created as will a multi-faith worship area, group meeting and training space, greater capacity for new groups and activities, a tea bar and indoor soft padded play facility which has been separately funded by the RAF Benevolent Fund.

Group Captain Godfrey said: “I am delighted to cut the first turf on this exciting project to improve the support offered to our families and personnel and look forward to watching the facility develop over the coming months.”

Project Officer Sarah Riley-Evans, RAF Lossiemouth’s Community Development Officer, added: “It is very exciting to see work beginning on this long fought for extension which will bring together a disparate Community Support Team, cementing joint working practices and providing the community at RAF Lossiemouth with a support hub which they can be proud of.”

The project will be managed by Carrilion-Amey Ltd on behalf of the Ministry of Defence. Construction will be carried out by Robertson Group.