MORAY IS BREATHING a huge sigh of relief that the region obtained funding for several flood alleviation schemes at a time when there “was not a huge clamour”.
That was the view being expressed this week by the Council Leader as regions throughout Scotland were suffering from horrendous flooding, with many being urged to study the path taken in Moray several years ago.
Councillor Stewart Cree has said that Moray is ready and willing to assist other regions who are now facing similar challenges to those that led to such as the £86million Elgin Flood Alleviation Scheme, which was only completed last summer.
“When we first sought to address flooding there was not a huge clamour from elsewhere for these funds,” Councillor Cree said, adding: “Now, I imagine it will be more difficult to get the money to install protection works. The amount we have already spent in Moray is perhaps similar to the sum communities across Scotland will have to share between them.”
Major flood schemes have been put in place in Elgin, Rothes and Forres – but Moray still faces considerable challenges as other parts of the region continue to face flood threats. Last year the local authority approved projects for Lossiemouth, Portgordon and Newmill while consideration will be given in the next round of Capital Funding decisions for Hopeman.
“I feel a huge degree of sympathy for those communities affected recently,” Councillor Cree continued, adding: “We have the experience here and we would be delighted to share it as things progress for other regions.”