JOBSEEKERS LIVING AROUND Moray’s five largest towns are being encouraged to use the services being provided in their local libraries in the hunt for work.
As well as being able to provide assistance in a variety of ways to help job applications or just finding possible opportunities in the first place, local Job Clubs can often also help people who need more understanding of changes to the Welfare Benefits system.
Clubs are currently active in the libraries at Buckie, Elgin, Lossiemouth, Keith and Forres, where staff will always welcome enquiries on how and when they can help.
The type of issues covered include the application process, CV’s, skills required at job interviews, IT skills including creating and operating an Email account – and in every case providing a free means of connecting to the internet to either send and receive Email or search for jobs online.
People who wish to use the service can contact library staff as follows:
- Buckie: Club meets every Tuesday from 1pm to 4pm – call 01542 832121 or 01343 562603
- Elgin: Club meets every Thursday from 10am to 4pm – call 01343 562603
- Keith: Club will meet on 1st and 3rd Thursday from 2pm to 4pm – call 01542 882223
- Lossiemouth: Club meets every Friday from 2pm to 4pm – call 01343 813334 or 01343 562603
- Forres – Club meets every Monday from 2pm to 4pm – call 01343 562603