Further concerns over falling care levels at Dr Gray’s

Douglas Ross - now highlight lowering level of Ophthalmic Care at Dr Gray's.
Douglas Ross – now highlighting lowering level of Ophthalmic Care at Dr Gray’s.

CONCERNS OVER OPHTHALMIC CARE at Moray’s main hospital have prompted a meeting this week between a local MSP and several constituents.

Now Douglas Ross MSP will repeat his calls for action in a letter to NHS Grampian – while he has also raised the issue through a question at the Scottish Parliament directed at the Health Minister.

The MSP said that he was extremely concerned at suggestions the standard of ophthalmic care at Dr Gray’s in Elgin had gone from “very good” to practically “non-existent” in the last few years, with patients across Moray requiring the vital service locally but currently being let down.

He said: “There are clearly issues which need to be addressed urgently by NHS Grampian as this is yet another specialism at Dr Grays Hospital which is without a resident consultant, resulting in many patients having to travel to attend clinics in Aberdeen to receive specialist advice or ongoing treatment.

“I am told that a simple follow-up appointment in Aberdeen can take an entire day given the travelling involved. Also many of the patients rely heavily on public transport to and from Aberdeen which sees people travelling home in some discomfort for several hours as they take a train or bus back to Moray.

“With a significant number of patients travelling from Moray to attend clinic appointments it would surely reduce the workload in Aberdeen if clinics were to be established at Dr Gray’s.

“I have brought this matter to the urgent attention of NHS Grampian Chief Executive Malcolm Wright, seeking clarification on what plans, if any, they have to recruit an Ophthalmic Consultant to be based in Elgin.

“It’s also important to know what extra ophthalmic treatments we can get delivered locally in Moray.

“I have also been selected to ask a question to the Cabinet Secretary for Health in Parliament next week and will use the opportunity to press the Scottish Government on this important issue.”

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