POLICE HAVE MOVED to stamp out anti-social driving in Elgin with four landing in trouble following additional patrols at the weekend.
Complaints from the public led to action from the Road Policing and Elgin Community policing teams on Saturday evening. Residents around Murdoch’s Wynd say that they have had to wear ear plugs to drown out the noise being made at night by unruly motorists.
Now a police clampdown has resulted in a 22-year-old being reported to the Procurator Fiscal for careless driving, with the same man receiving an anti-social behaviour warning. A further three drivers were also reported in relation to driving untaxed vehicles.
Sergeant Colin Matheson of the Road Policing Unit said, “Unfortunately, due to way they choose to drive, a minority of drivers show no regard for either other road users or for nearby residents due the unnecessary and excessive noise they create.
“Police Scotland will continue to address this issue and where appropriate, issue anti-social behaviour warnings which can lead to someone having their vehicle seized should they be found driving in a similar manner within twelve months.”
This operation was carried out as part of North East Division’s ongoing road safety initiative, Operation CEDaR (Challenge Educate Detect and Reduce).