MORAY COUNCIL HAS said that renovation work on the historic Muckle Cross on Elgin’s Plainstones should be completed by the Spring.
The historic fabric of the monument, which dates to 1888, was giving some cause for concern resulting in agreement for a £45,000 project funded by the Council, Elgin’s Common Good Fund and the Elgin CARS scheme.
Work is now under way on the site in the shadow of St Giles Church, which is being undertaken by local firm Darroch and Allan.
A Moray Council spokesman said: “The first cross on the site was originally known as the Mercat Cross and is thought to have been built in the late 1300s when the area around St Giles included both a market place and a burial ground.
“The Muckle Cross – meaning Big Cross – was designed by Sydney Mitchell and is a category B listed monument.”
The CARS programme – Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme – still has funding available for traditional building repairs in Elgin town centre – further information can be obtained online at
Grant funding is available for owners or occupiers for repairs to sash and case windows, rainwater goods, stonework, roofs, chimney repairs and other works.