A MORAY WOMAN is set for the trip of a lifetime as she seeks to help improve eyecare for people in rural Africa.
First, however, Robyn Roos has a mission to raise funds for her trip to Zambia in March when she will join Vision Aid Overseas, a charity which helps deliver eyecare to those in the developing world.
The 31-year-old is a dispensing optician at Specsavers in Elgin and has always wanted to help make a difference to those less fortunate. Through Specsavers’ partnership with the charity, Robyn has been selected to be part of the team heading out to the country on a two-week trip.
She told insideMoray: “I am always keen to be proactive in my role and by working with Specsavers, I have been given this amazing opportunity and I am delighted to be going to Zambia.”
Robyn is set to fly south on March 17 and then spend half her time in Zambia training optical students and staff on how to adjust glasses. The second half of her trip will be spent doing public outreach programs, helping repair and adjust glasses before flying home on April 2.
She added: “I have always wanted to go on a Vision Aid Overseas trip, and have finally decided that I am brave enough to do it.
“In March I will be joining a team and going to Zambia for two weeks to help train dispensers in all things frames and lenses. People in Zambia don’t have access to the level of eyecare we do here in the UK. Issues with their sight can mean some children end up not going to school or adults stop working, which has a massive impact on people’s lives.
“Giving people eye tests and providing them with glasses this can really improve someone’s life, which is why these travelling clinics are so important.”
Robyn and the store team at Elgin have been busy hosting fundraisers including bake sales and raffles to raise the £1700 sponsorship required.
Peter Taylor, store director at Specsavers Elgin, said: “At Specsavers it’s important that we invest and support our staff – Robyn is a valued member of our team and we are thrilled she has chosen to take on this challenge.
“Vision Aid Overseas is a cause we are always keen to support and last year alone, thanks to our generous customers, we collected 3,500 pairs of frames to be recycled.
“We hope that the local community will help us support Robyn to raise enough sponsorship to fund this fantastic trip.”
Anyone wishing to donate to Robyn’s Zambia trip should visit https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/robyngoestozambia.