A MORAY TOWN will continue to promote and consult this week in their plans to draw up an action plan for the future development of their community.
Earlier this week Forres resents turned out in the town hall to study and comment on plans covering topics from leisure and tourism and environmental sustainability.
On Wednesday it is hope many more will return with the main topics being Traffic, Transport and Access (6pm to 7.30pm) and Facilities and Services (7.30pm to 9pm).
The event is the latest from the Forres 2020 Planning Group, who last year undertook a community consultation that highlighted a map of priority themes the public wished to further develop in the town.
Themes discussed last week and this were identified and, following this latest exercise, will help to shape the Moray Local Development Plan and Open Space Strategy from 2020 onwards.
A Forres 2020 planning group spokeswoman said: “People are welcome to visit for specific themes or to stay for the full sessions.
“If you are arriving for a theme please bear in mind that there will be ongoing discussion in the hall and it would be appreciated if you could arrive quietly.
“It is your town and your voice, so please come along to help shape the future vision of Forres for year 2020 and beyond.”