Elgin store helps national £100k drive for RNIB

EVERY CUSTOMER WHO arrived at Specsavers Elgin branch on Tuesday this week for an eye test may not realise it – but they were donating to charity at the same time.

The busy Elgin store took part in a promotion by the national company to mark International Sunglasses Day (yes there is a day for everything) – donating £1 to the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) for every test in every store.

Specsavers staff in Elgin are hoping they helped meet the national pledge to raise £100,000 for the charity that supports people throughout the UK who suffer from loss of sight.

Peter Taylor is the store director at Specsavers Elgin. He said: “It’s astonishing that so many people are needlessly living with or at risk of sight loss in the UK today. Half of all sight loss cases are preventable1 – and a simple eye test can be the first step in prevention.

“Our mission together with RNIB is to transform the nation’s eye health through education, awareness and action; we want to reverse these worrying eye health trends that are putting unnecessary pressure on the health service and placing a massive burden on the public purse.”

NHS eye examinations are free in Scotland – to book an appointment visit www.specsavers.co.uk/stores/elgin.