CONCERNS OVER HOME building plans being pressed by Elgin-based Springfield Properties are to be the subject of a public meeting in Hopeman this week.
Springfield renewed a bid to build 22 homes in the village late last year – now they have submitted a planning application connected to that which, they say, will improve drainage arrangements.
In their application, Springfield acknowledge existing drainage issues caused by runoff from fields to the south of the village and in particular an existing field drain parallel to Forsyth Street and East Road.
The move follows Moray Council advice when it was pointed out to Springfield that during their bid to build the ‘affordable homes’ it was determined that the field drain does not have sufficient capacity to convey the required runoff.
While the Springfield application has not drawn opposition from such as SEPA and the Moray flood risk management team, given the previous objections to the building of the additional homes there has been interest from the community.
That has prompted the Hopeman Community Association to call a public meeting on Monday, July 10 at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall. A spokeswoman said: “The Hopeman Community Association has been asked to ensure that everyone is informed of the content of the latest application.”
Details of the plan being put by Springfield can be found on the Moray Council Website.