WOMEN BETWEEN THE AGES of 50 and 70 who are registered with a GP in Fochabers are being invited to attend a mobile breast screening unit in the town from Monday.
The unit will be based at the Public Institute on Fochabers High Street for a month – and while women over the age of 71 are not sent automatic invitations, they are being encouraged to make their own appointments.
Elspeth May, manager for the breast screening service at NHS Grampian, said: “The aim is to detect breast changes at an early stage when treatment has the best chance of success.”
Women who are currently registered with the Fochabers Medical Practice should be receiving invitations – but those who may be missed or are over 71 are encouraged to contact the screening centre on 01224 550570 to make their own appointment.
Breast Cancer is the most common form of cancer in the UK with over 50,000 women diagnosed each year – 4600 of them in Scotland. Thanks to extensive research more people survive this form of cancer than ever before – however, almost 1000 women still die of the condition each month in the UK.