A COMMITMENT TO PROVIDING the best possible support to children and young people in care has been reaffirmed by partners throughout Moray.
The Moray Community Planning Partnership (CPP) has launched its corporate planning strategy for the next three years.
It has been heavily influenced by feedback from children and young people in care and care leavers, alongside comments on what makes a different to their lives. The strategy outlines how partners will work together to do the best for Moray’s children in helping them achieve their full potential.
Pam Gowans, Chief Officer for Health and Social Care Moray, welcomed partners to the launch of the strategy and cited it as a key part in the delivery of services over the next three years.
In an open letter to all of the care experienced young people in the region, Councillor Tim Eagle, Chair of Moray Council’s Children and Young Peoples’ Services Committee, assured them they would receive “the kind of support that any good parent gives to their children”.
Councillor Eagle said: “This means we will monitor how well you are looked after, and we will track and increase the opportunities that are available to you to support you to achieve in school and attend further education/training.
“We want you to achieve in each of your hopes and aspirations and reach your full potential in adult life. We will support the preparation you have for leaving care and assist you to set up home when you achieve independence.”
Guarantees being made to children and young people in care, and leaving care, include receiving support in becoming safe, healthy, nurtured, respected and able to achieve in education, training or work.
The corporate parenting strategy launch also saw the CPP sign up to the Scottish Care Leavers Covenant, which ensures those leaving care have the same support as other young people growing up and leaving home.