Burghead and Hopeman residents continue campaign to save surgeries


A group of campaigners who are determined to find a satisfactory solution to surgery closures in Hopeman and Burghead have met with Moray MSP Richard Lochhead.

The closure of the surgeries was decided by the Moray Joint Integration Board on 26 January.

Mr Lochhead discussed with the group options they might have for moving forward now that the decision to close the surgeries has been taken. The group feel that the compromise offered by the MJIB of having digital hubs manned with volunteers at the surgeries is wholly inadequate and that a better solution could be found.
Commenting Richard Lochhead MSP said: “This decision has naturally caused upset and anger in the local communities and the members of the Save our Surgeries Group are determined to carry on their campaign. They would like a bespoke solution to be sought and point out that the number of patients involved should justify this. We all appreciate that the local medical practices are under pressure but the closure of the surgeries with the consequent transfer of many patients to alternative practices is causing much concern locally.

“Issues like the availability of public transport is a big concern, especially if you are elderly and vulnerable or cannot drive. I’m told the dial-a-bus service cannot be booked for same-day emergency appointments and in any case offers a very small window of availability and a journey in close proximity with other ill people.
“I will therefore be urgently consulting with the health authorities to explore any other possible options which would better serve the area around Burghead and Hopeman.”