Election Editorial: Don’t pay heed to the headlines – vote for yourself

Polling stations are open, the talking is all but over and the people will today decide for themselves who they are entrusting the country to for the next five years.

Here at insideMoray we have retained a tightly controlled and wholly unbiased line throughout – sadly, the same could not be said for much of the media.

The ranting of some “respected” mainstream news sources has been something to behold – you have to wonder if they honestly believe the twisted “facts” and inane ranting they produce is being soaked up and appreciated by their readers.

“Honestly believe”? Well it does seem from this community news desk that honesty went out the window a very long time ago.

Our little effort at relating Moray’s local community-led news most certainly does not stretch to telling our readers which way to vote – I hope that most of you have already decided on that.

I read early this morning one person appealing for people to pause before they vote and remember it is not just about you.

Well, actually, it is about you – it is your individual right to express an opinion that may or may not count for something by the end of today.

But what does count above all else is you live in a place where no matter what you are being told by newspaper editor, journalist or indeed politician, you have your right to place a cross against your preference and it is very personal, it is just about you and what you want.

So the only message from insideMoray today is – please don’t waste your democratic right to vote, don’t believe that your opinion won’t matter – it does, and you should give it.