One of the first tasks undertaken by Moray’s newly re-election member of parliament was to congratulate the next generation of local politicians.
Angus Robertson MP took time out to reflect on the recent Scottish Youth Parliament election which returned Laura Smith from Findochty and Ellie Pearce from Darnaway as Moray’s representatives in the national forum.
The MP said: “While I was going through my own election campaign I know that there was also a great campaign going on among young people in Moray to elect their representatives to the Scottish Youth Parliament.
“I congratulate Laura Smith and Ellie Pearce on their hard fought election wins and wish them all the best in representing Moray.
“The Scottish Youth Parliament has been successful in highlighting the issues affecting young people and bringing those issues directly to the attention of politicians like myself in both Westminster and the Scottish Parliament.
“It is a great experience for young people like Laura and Ellie who have a huge drive to do as much as they can to take forward the views of their local youth council here in Moray and the wider views of the other young people they know and represent.”
Laura and Ellie were elected after months of campaigning and elections in all of Moray’s secondary schools.