Moray fighters scrambled three times in 24 hours over Estonia

Lossiemouth Typhoon’s scrambled three times in 24 hours from Estonian base.

MORAY BASED AIRMEN are being kept busy during their current deployment in Estonia with interception flights against Russian aircraft ordered three times in just 24 hours.

Typhoon jets from the Moray base are currently deployed as part of the NATO Baltic Air Policing mission – with the crews drawing praise by the Estonian minister for foreign affairs for their “demonstration of alliance solidarity”.

His words came after the Moray crews were called to intercept Mig31 ‘Foxhound’ fighters, a TU22 ‘Backfire’ bomber, an AN6 ‘Curl’ transport aircraft and an A50 ‘Mainstay’ airborne early warning and control aircraft.

The Typhoon’s from 6(Fighter) Squadron have been serving from their Estonian base since April and will remain there until August.

An RAF spokesman said: “We can confirm that RAF Typhoon fighters based at Amari in Estonia have been launched to intercept unidentified Russian aircraft approaching the Baltic nation’s airspace three times in the last 24 hours.

“A variety of Russian aircraft were intercepted, escorted and identified.”