AN ELGIN MAN reacted to what were described as “racist slurs” when on a night out in a local bar – and ended up landing an innocent bystander with a visit to hospital.
Adis Delic was on a night out at the Downtown Bar on Elgin’s High Street when he heard racial abuse being directed at him by an unidentified man.
His reaction was to pick up a bar stool and throw it – but it struck Hannah MacDonald on the head for which she required treatment at Dr Gray’s Hospital.
Elgin Sheriff Court heard Delic admitting the assault when he appeared on Thursday. Fiscal deputy Ruairidh McAlistair told the court that Delic had been angered by racial slurs when he picked up the bar stool – but “it missed and hit the complainer causing immediate swelling”.
After hearing that his victim was able to leave hospital that evening after treatment Sheriff James Hendry fined Delic, 33, £400 for the incident on May 31 and ordered him to pay compensation of £200 to Ms MacDonald.