Child tax credit changes a ‘disaster’ for Moray’s low income families

Child Tax Credit changes will be a ‘disaster’ for low income Moray families

THE SNP WILL attempt to press forward amendments to UK Government plans for limiting child tax credits which Moray’s MP insists are “hugely damaging to working families”.

Angus Robertson has said he will oppose the welfare bill that seeks to introduce these and other reforms, insisting that they would place a burden on people who are already struggling in his own Moray constituency and throughout the country.

“Last week’s budget hits the poorest the hardest,” the MP said, adding: “The cuts to child tax credits and the changes to working tax credit will leave many low income families worse off.

“In Moray tax credits are overwhelmingly paid to working people and in Scotland 95% of tax credits are paid to families with children.

“So we should make no mistake about where the cuts are being targeted. The idea that the changes to the minimum wage will fill the gap is simply ludicrous as every sensible economic commentator has made clear.”

On Sunday a Labour councillor also spoke out against the plans – criticising acting national leader of the party, Harriet Harman MP, for saying that the party would not oppose the bill when it is presented next Tuesday.

Sean Morton, who fought the Moray parliamentary seat for Labour at May’s general election, commented on social media: “Harriet Harman is downright wrong in not fighting the Tories on child benefit cuts. Nobody elected her leader – she should not be making party policy on the hoof but sticking to our values.”

Councillor Morton went on to describe her position as “appalling”.

Last night Ms Harman was defending her position, insisting that Labour could not “oppose everything” while insisting that any future policy decision would be up to the new party leader.

Pointing to a Institute of Financial Studies analysis that says the planned cuts to work allowance and income threshold elements of universal credit would cost three million families and average of £1000 a year, Mr Robertson slammed the Labour party at the House of Commons for their stance.

Challenging Labour MP’s to defy the interim party leader, he said: “Labour may not be willing to stand up to the Tories and oppose these cuts which leave 13 million families worse off – but the SNP will provide real opposition to these plans.

“There is a very simple question for those Labour MPs who find themselves at odds with their current leader’s position. Will they join with the SNP to vote against this bill?”