Scottish Ambulance staff feel ‘physically and mentally abused’

SCOTTISH AMBULANCE SERVICE staff believe that patient safety is being compromised because of a lack of resources.

That was the findings of a poll conducted amongst over 100 ambulance staff members who responded to a survey of paramedics, ambulance technicians, call handlers and transport staff by the trade union Unite.

Almost 94% of those who responded to the survey claimed that they had witnessed instances where patient safety was being compromised, while 97% said that their job had become more pressurised in the last year – and 95% pointing to their work causing more stress over the same period.

Only a third were able to say they were doing their job to the best of their ability with a similar number saying that they had sufficient time to do their job safely, with as many saying that they had taken time off sick and around half admitting they could not see themselves still doing the job in five years’ time.

Paramedic Jamie McNamee, who is also the national lead steward for Unite, said: “Staff feel physically and mentally abused as a result of resource management and deployment.”

A spokesman for the Scottish Ambulance Service said: “All 4100 staff are encouraged to report any concerns they might have regarding operations, clinical care, patient safety or their own welfare.

“There are systems in place to ensure that any such report is properly viewed.”