A DATE HAS been announced for a public exhibition outlining the major development proposals that would a massive extension of Elgin’s boundary to the north.
Last month the local authority agreed plans for Findrassie that would see 1500 new homes, a school and community facilities being created.
The major project to be undertaken over 20 to 30 years will see Elgin’s boundary increase taking in an area between the Duffus Road in the west to the A941 Lossiemouth road in the east.
After being approved by Moray Councillors it was agreed that the next stage of the project would be a major consultation exercise. To that end the development proposals will be on display at the Alexander Graham Bell Centre at Moray College on Monday, September 14 from 3pm to 8pm.
Staff from Moray Council’s planning and development section will attend alongside representatives from the landowners, Pitgaveny Estates.
The head of development services at Moray Council, Jim Grant, said: “This represents a major development for Elgin and both the council and landowner are keen to have the public fully on board. The proposals have generated a great deal of interest so hopefully as many people as possible will manage to come along to the exhibition and see for themselves what is being proposed.”
Groups of young people from the Elgin Youth Cafe and Elgin Academy have been invited to participate in discussions on the plans, with planning adviser Donald Lunan saying: “This is such a long-term development that it might be the town’s younger folk who are most interested in living there in future years.”