Study to look into introduction of Car Clubs

Car Clubs study to be conducted in Moray
Car Clubs study to be conducted in Moray

SUSTAINABLE TRAVEL CAN be increased in Moray through greater use of Car Clubs, a Moray Council committee will be told today.

In a report to the economic development and infrastructure committee by Dave Malpas, the senior engineer for traffic management, options for the local authority to support the principle of car clubs are discussed.

Councillors are being asked to approve a study to look at the options of integrating such a system with the Council’s pool car provision.

Using figures produced by Carplus, who are funded by the Scottish Government to promote Car Clubs in Scotland, Mr Malpas notes that only one club is operating in Moray – the Findhorn-based Moray Carshare, who have 80 members and 11 vehicles.

While there are other schemes in the region these are based on car sharing with drivers giving lifts to others – mainly intended to assist vulnerable people to access medical services. Moray Council’s Traffic Team are now working with Carplus to commission a feasibility study into the expansion of Car Share in Moray – the study will be funded by the Scottish Government.

Car Clubs allow members to use a car when needed – cars are provided by the clubs in locations near to members and are available to book on a first-come first-served basis. The clubs are used by a wide variety of people and have proven attractive to those who cannot afford a car and those who prefer to travel mainly by sustainable means but require occasional use of a car.

Seeking the support of Councillors, Mr Malpas says: “Car Clubs are one of the many ways to help increase sustainable travel and reduce the costs of travel to the residents of Moray.”