THE FAILURE OF Moray Councillors to ban vehicles and apply waiting restrictions on a section of road near a school must be reconsidered.
That is the view being expressed by parents and carers of children attending Keith Primary school, who say that since the school was moved alongside the Keith Grammar three years ago there has been a surge in local traffic.
Fears were first raised shortly after the new school opened in 2012 when a child was involved locally in an accident. Transport officials had recommended a ban on vehicles from a section of School Road as well as applying waiting restrictions, however councillors opted not to do so.
Now a local Nanny says the situation has worsened for the greater than 700 pupils at the two schools, 300 of whom are of primary age. Nicky Leighton said: “Being a childminder entrusted with other people’s kids this really does make me worry.
“These are quite narrow streets and they were not built for this ridiculous level of traffic – it would be relatively easy for the council to make the road one-way the whole way along, something certainly needs to be done.”
Council leader Stewart Cree said that while the local authority will look further into the matter it may not be possible to introduce a one-way system. The local councillor said: “We deferred any decision on the plans in 2012 so we could gain the benefit of some experience.
“This is now something we can ask officers to have another look at, I have sympathies with the issues raised but a one-way system could have an adverse impact on School Road residents and force them to take detours to make simple journeys.”