PEOPLE STRUGGLING TO find affordable housing in Moray could benefit from a new option being offered through a joint initiative by north-east local authorities and housing providers.
The mid-market tenure system is the result of a partnership between Moray and Aberdeenshire Councils alongside local housing associations and housing partnerships.
Low-cost home ownership or mid-market level rent could be the result of the scheme for which households can now register an interest, with the plan aimed at offering an option for those who are less likely to receive an offer of council or housing association homes.
A Moray Council spokesman said: “Due to the huge demand for rented social housing, the majority of people on waiting lists may never receive an offer. Mid-market tenure is another option they may wish to consider.”
At present the availability of intermediate housing in Moray is low – however, that is likely to change and the new register is completely separate from current applications for council or housing association accommodation. It would mean that households will receive notification of any suitable vacancies as they occur.
Details of the register are available now on the Moray Council website.