A PIONEERING LEARNING venture has brought teaching staff from public and private schools throughout Moray together to share experiences.
Around 220 teachers were present Gordonstoun School for a conference aimed at strengthening local links between the public and private education sectors.
It is the first time that educators from Moray’s primary schools have shared ideas in a forum with Gordonstoun staff, discussing ways that they might improve education throughout the region.
Cognitive scientist Guy Claxton addressed the gathering on Monday, the educationalist delivering a talk on ‘learning power’.
Education support officer at Moray Council, Janet Cornall, said that the partnership with Gordonstoun would be “hugely beneficial” in sharing practices between private and public schools. Workshops during the event included educational research, secondary maths and learning opportunities in outdoor education.
Ms Cornall said: “All schools face similar difficulties and research shows that one of the best ways to develop and improve is through dialogue and sharing expertise.”
After hosting the first joint learning venture, Gordonstoun principal Simon Reid commented: “As an English teacher I know just how true it is that teachers face the same challenges in the classroom.
“With Mr Claxton as the keynote speaker I feel certain that everyone who attended will have found something inspirational from the day.”