Web changes ease way for council housing tenants

Improvements should make life easier for Council Housing Tenants
Improvements should make life easier for Council Housing Tenants

HOUSING TENANTS SHOULD now find it a great deal easier to report a required repair or pay their rent online, according to Moray Council.

The local authority’s housing service say that they can now manage a deal more of their services online than ever before thanks to major improvements to their website.

Housing support or information on a range of topics is now more user-friendly and accessible thanks to a transformation managed by housing, information technology and communications teams at the local authority.

Specially developed online tools should allow customers easier access to housing information while filling out forms will soon go online, allowing applications and requests that can be viewed and processed much quicker than is currently the case.

Richard Anderson, Head of Housing and Property, said: “The work carried out by the ICT and housing teams is designed around our service users and the changes to the website will make it easier for them to reach the information they need.

“Our customers will also save time by managing their housing needs online at any time of the day or night.  We welcome feedback on the changes and will continue to listen to our customers to shape the service going forward.”

In addition to the user-friendly layout, the local authority says that the key benefit for housing and property customers is round-the-clock instant access to a range of services without the restriction of the Moray Council’s office opening hours.