Moray set to inform on Scotland’s Modern Apprenticeships

Several Modern Apprenticeship events in Moray this week
Several Modern Apprenticeship events in Moray this week

MORAY IS EMBRACING the sixth Skills Development Scotland ‘Modern Apprentice Week’ which kicks off from Monday.

Events aimed at employers, young people and parents or guardians are aimed to raise awareness of the value of taking part in the Modern Apprenticeship programme.

An employer event is taking place at Moray College UHI on Wednesday, March 2 from 9am until 10am, when guest speakers will talk about the new Foundation Apprenticeship programme and how it and Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce will benefit the Moray economy.

Advisors from Skills Development Scotland will be on hand to provide guidance on the different types of apprenticeships available, the benefits to business, the funding available and how the process works.

That will be immediately followed from 10am until 2pm by an event at the College that gives the Modern Apprentices of the future the chance to talk to training providers as well as employers who already employ apprentices.

That evening the Skills Development Office on Elgin High Street will host a ‘Meet the Parents’ event from 5pm to 7pm when parents to get information on the benefits of Modern Apprenticeships first-hand.

Parents will be able to meet local employers and training providers, along with staff from the SDS Careers Information Advice and Guidance service based in schools across Moray. Also offering advice, will be the SDS employer engagement team who will answer questions about apprenticeships for parents.

Throughout the week employers and their apprentices will visit schools throughout Moray to meet Modern Apprentices of the future and help inspire the next generation. Modern Apprentices and employers will talk to the young people about their experiences, answer questions and explain what an MA can offer in terms of having a job, getting paid, and getting qualified.

Modern Apprentice Week, supported by Skills Development Scotland, highlights the commitment of businesses who have invested in the skills of their workforce and showcases the success of apprentices who have chosen to get a job, get paid and get qualified to develop their careers.

The campaign offers a chance to find out more about Modern Apprenticeships and showcase the benefits apprentices have brought to businesses.

For more information visit