Financial aid for community projects – and you decide

Independent/Tory administration succeed in forcing through their budget
Money for Moray is a community funding scheme from the Scottish Government and Moray Council

COMMUNITY GROUP PROJECTS in Moray are being offered an opportunity to pitch their case for a share of £60,000 in funding – with local people taking the decision on who gets what.

Money for Moray is a new initiative that lets the community decide for themselves what group projects are needed to help boost the local economy.

The allocation of £60,000 from the Scottish Government has been match-funded by the Moray Council, with the first pilot for the project taking place at a public even in the Grant Hall in Rothes on Saturday, May 28.

People attending that day will vote on which applicants should have a share of the first £60,000 with the initiative being administered by a working group that consists of volunteer representatives of community group and the Moray Council Community Support Unit. A second event will follow later in the year to decide the future of a further £60,000 pot.

Local community, non-profit or voluntary organisation can apply for funding of between £200 and £5000 through a short application process. The fund is not available, however, to groups in Elgin, Keith, Lossiemouth, Forres and Buckie, as these towns already have access to economic development funds through the Four Towns Partnership and Elgin BID.

Projects should provide an economic benefit for as many people as possible from throughout their community and help to make Moray a better place for everyone.

The closing date for applications is April 22 – anyone interested and wishing to find out more can contact the Community Support Unit by email to

Details and an application form can also be downloaded here.