Rail enthusiasts get their annual Easter call to Moray

Trains are always on time at the annual Model Railway exhibition
Trains are always on time at the annual Model Railway exhibition

MODEL RAIL ENTHUSIASTS from throughout Scotland will be making tracks for the much anticipated Great North of Scotland annual exhibition this weekend.

The Moray Model Railway Group will be hosting the Easter holiday event on Saturday and Sunday at the Elgin Town Hall.

On show for what will be the 32nd successive year are railway layouts from throughout Scotland – with the exhibition making a welcome return to the Town Hall for the first time since the building completed a major refurbishment.

Ian Buchan told insideMoray that there will be something on show for all age groups at the exhibition: “We have a small Thomas the Tank engine layout which the public can operate for a small donation to support local causes.

“Recent beneficiaries have been Noah’s Ark in Forres, Jack & Jill playgroup, Elgin, SAAFA forces charity and The Oaks in Elgin.

“A buffet is available for light refreshments – as ever the public are most welcome and we have always been very grateful for their generous support in the past.”

The exhibition opens at 10am on Saturday and Sunday, closing at 5pm on Saturday and 4pm the following day. Entry is just £4 for adults and £2.50 for children, while a family ticket will also be available.