WHILE IT HAS taken something of a back-seat in Scotland the in/our referendum debate on Europe is still occupying the minds of the rest of the UK.
One local group is, however, not forgetting the ‘other’ big debate and has appointed the services of a respected political blogger to give his views on a European future – or lack of one.
Peter A Bell has been asked by the Common Weal Moray to provide an insight into the debate for the growing Moray groups next meeting on Tuesday, April 12.
A spokesman said: “Peter has carved a name for himself with his no-nonsense, straight to the point dissection of all media outlets’ reporting of major (and not so major) news stories.
“A writer who takes no prisoners and pulls no punches when it comes to de-spinning. He has written extensively for online and print publications and has worked with numerous groups helping to organise a variety of events.
“Having formerly worked in the field of Corporate Imaging, Peter has now dedicated himself to the cause of restoring Scotland’s independence and to the development of what he calls “a better politics”.”
While the official SNP line in Scotland urges a clear vote to remain in the European Union, Mr Bell freely admits that he is more resigned to remaining than being enthusiastic about it. His line is that the entire debate is a little more than an “overblown internal dispute” within the Tory party, driven almost entirely by the anti-immigration lobby – and believes that it is almost entirely irrelevant to Scotland.
He has also warned against the danger that the EU referendum “will both overwhelm the Scottish General Election and become too closely associated with a second independence referendum”.
Mr Taylor will be in Elgin speaking to members of the Common Weal at the Drouthy Cobbler on Tuesday 12th April. Doors will open at 7pm and entry is free, although donations are gratefully received.