Public hearing for Lhanbryde Hotel demolition proposal

Tenant Arms Hotel - proposed to make way for new shop and car park.
Tenant Arms Hotel – public hearing is granted by planning committee.

A PUBLIC HEARING has been agreed to ensure that residents of Lhanbryde can have their say over the future of the Tenant Arms Hotel in the face of a demolition request.

Opinion in the Moray village has been split over the future of the Hotel with 100 submitting objections to the proposal to demolish and make way for a new shop – although more consider the building in its current state is an ‘eyesore’.

Now members of the planning and regulatory services committee have agreed to pleas by local councilors to defer any decision and allow local people to have their say on the plans.

Committee member Douglas Ross said it was the correct decision, adding that it was important for those objectors from the local community to have an opportunity to state their case.

He said: “There were also many objectors who disagreed with the transportation response to the application and it will be good for these objectors to outline their local experience on the issue.

“We were also presented with a large petition signed by local residents after the site visit on Friday which shows the wider community interest in the application and I feel the best way for the application to be determined would be following a public hearing.

“I’m pleased now that local people will be able to state their case directly to the committee and I hope all the information they provide allows the planning committee to reach the correct decision.”