Communities advised of dates for Armed Forces Covenant funding submissions

Armed Forces Covenant meetings start next month
Armed Forces Covenant steering group meetings start next month

FUNDING BIDS UNDER the Armed Forces Covenant grant scheme are being encouraged from Moray groups and individuals.

The Ministry of Defence released details in April of their new official priorities under the scheme, a £10million annual fund that provides grants in support of military veterans and their families.

For 2016 the fund will focus on the provision of a ‘Veterans Gateway’ as well as funding projects that support military families who are experiencing stressful life events. The ‘Veterans Gateway’ is a UK-wide pilot project that will set up a multi-media point of contact for veterans seeking assistance.

In Moray, applications should be submitted in the first instance to the Moray Community Covenant steering group who would take a decision on endorsing applications from the region. The next meetings of the group will be held on June 6 and October 3, with any applications being sent to at least 10 days in advance of these dates.

Where any application is not endorsed, the steering group may be able to help in developing it to a point where it can be considered at a future date. There are four headings under which funds are available – Veterans Gateway, Families in Stress, Improving local Covenant delivery, and Community Integration/Delivery of local services.

Eligibility criteria for each can be found online by downloading this document while details on how to apply can also be located online.