ANOTHER MORAY SCHOOL has taken to creating a movie to tell the world just why their school is the best there is.
The film released yesterday features pupils at Burghead Primary School at various locations in the school and around their community.
‘Welcome to Burghead Primary’ includes some stunning aerial views of the town showing of it and coast surrounding the community.
Comments from “I like primary school because there is a big climbing wall” to “I like Burghead Primary because you get to play football at break and lunch” are delivered by pupils who also show of “their” beach at the doorstep.
Even education at the school appears to be as much fun as playing – as one pupil commented: “The best thing about schools is that you do maths and reading and all of that kind of stuff. It makes you get better and better at learning.”
For one pupil, however, there is a surprisingly good element of attending his school – “you get really good, amazing, sausage rolls!”
Burghead has followed such as Milne’s Primary School in creating a video – while last month West End Primary used the media to promote their search for a new Head Teacher.