Elgin woman escapes custodial sentence over drugs supply

A MORAY WOMAN who was found guilty of allowing an alleged dealer to use her home for the purpose of illegal drug supply has narrowly escaped a custodial sentence.

At an earlier appearance in Elgin Sheriff Court, Kayleigh Armstrong was found guilty of being ‘concerned in the supply of heroin and cocaine’. Yesterday, she returned to the court for sentencing.

It was said in court that the 24-year-old had been arrested in April 2016 when police were undertaking a crackdown on drug crimes throughout the region. Armstrong’s home in Elgin was one that was raided – but her defence agent said she was a victim herself of an alleged dealer enlisting her help.

Matthew O’Neil told the court on Tuesday that at the time his client had been suffering from a habit and that was how she became involved. He added: “Unfortunately, consuming a significant amount of that substance clouded her decision-making and she prioritised her habit over everything else.”

Mr O’Neil noted that his client had taken steps to improve her situation and was now once again living with her daughter, who had been taken from her after her arrest.

Sheriff Olga Pasportnikov told Armstrong that she had allowed a drug dealer from a different area to stay at her home, adding: “It was for one night, but giving people like that a base means that they can continue to deal drugs in this area.

“However, I accept that the payment for letting him stay was heroin – upon which you were dependent at that time.”

Armstrong was ordered to undertake 300 hours of unpaid work over nine months. She was also restricted in her home between 7pm and 7am for six months and would remain under supervision for a year.