Moray MP’s comment on traveller community goes Atomic

WHO KNEW THAT Douglas Ross was the No.1 fan of Atomic Kitten? Or that the first thing he did after being elected to Westminster was to head for Edinburgh and a Robbie Williams concert?

These and several other telling facts have been revealed by Moray’s MP in an online production by Core Politics (see below) – the first of a series of three-minute presentations that introduces newly elected members of the Westminster Parliament.

Mr Ross is one of the first batch of MPs to face the camera for the quick-fire question and answer session that provides a fascinating and light-hearted insight into the minds of elected representatives.

In answering a question on the funniest thing ever said to him on a doorstep, Douglas revealed that someone once pretended they were a dog behind a letter box, barking and pulling the leaflets through. Asked what he did, the MP said: “I just put the leaflet through and hoped that they might support me”.

His Atomic Kitten ‘secret’ came when he was asked to name his favourite hit and chose their ‘Whole Again’ – before returning to the subject when asked what song he would request from the DJ if he were on a night out with Theresa May.

He said: “I would maybe serenade her with Atomic Kitten, Whole Again – which has got me a few high positions in my time!” Asked if he was a huge fan of Atomic Kitten, he replied “I think everyone should be”.

The producer of the series of videos is Rob Double, who said: “The episodes are fun, light-hearted and informal. The series hopes to show the public a human and personable side to their MPs while giving further insight into their politics and ambitions.”

Editor Comments

While in the eyes of many the contention from Douglas Ross that we should all be Atomic Kitten devotees is in itself criminal.

However, it is not that act of folly in this light-hearted and fun video that has and will attract attention.

It is perhaps unfortunate these days that politics is never a laughing matter – something our MP is learning this morning after being attacked from all quarters for his answer on what his No.1 priority would be should he ever become Prime Minister.

Alas, in a week when yet another terrorist atrocity was carried out with a high loss of life, Douglas chose tighter controls on the gypsy/traveller community as his first prime ministerial target.

For sure, he may have said so with tongue firmly in cheek – but in modern politics your brain really does need to be more in tune with your tongue. As a Councillor, Mr Ross was forever at war with traveller families who, he insisted, flouted the laws the rest of us must follow – and, in his mind, were getting away with it.

Many will agree. It’s just, well, there is a time and place to choose a particular fight – this was just not one he should have chosen as a top national priority in this dangerous world.